I had to let go of something else when leaving Germany in July and the odds are that this was a goodbye for good, something that still saddens me. I am talking about the mighty BOMBODROM, the hardcore/punk sensation that stirred up the scene in Düsseldorf for two hot summers and this shall be their (rather short) history!
I had known Andi A. and Fränkie Disco for a long time already before actually starting the band in March/April 2009. We weren´t close friends but we met often whenever something cool was happening in town, and sometimes it was even them who made it happen. They had a band together called Bratseth and organized punk gigs and movie nights in local cinemas as the Celluloid Suckers. Especially the movie nights were pretty memorable because they always had a certain theme and you didn´t only see one or two funny flicks. Quite often a band was playing fitting to the theme and everybody was dressed up as if they were coming directly from the silver screen. When the Suckers showed surf movies you had an instro band, Hawaii shirts everywhere and a cold cocktail in your hand. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Andi and me had already spoken a couple of times about making music together but we were somehow busy with other projects all of the time. I remember that in 2008 also Fränkie asked if we should just try to get something started. Back then Andi was still in Karateclub, Fränkie played (and plays) in Sonic Dolls and I fought the last battle with myself wether or not I should start the Noctunes again, my old band from the 90ties.
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Andi A. Great pic, don´t care it´s crooked. |
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Fränkie Disco. Always a flash of lightning. |
After a difficult end of 2008 I had to suffer a great personal loss in the beginning of 2009. All the frustration and anger inside me needed an outlet badly, so I made the call(s) and in spring 2009 I met both guys in their rehearsal room with two riffs and a lyric in my pocket and we almost completed our first song right on the spot. It was fucking great and raised the appetite for more. In retrospect I think that the timing couldn´t have been any better. Everybody involved was longing for something new and exciting and there it was! I kept the songs coming, after a long time it felt so easy for me to write new material. Soon Andi began contributing with his compositions and we had a flow!
What we needed was of course a bass player and we had a ridiculously precise idea about how this guy should be like. I just list the really important requirements here that the potential candidate had to meet:
1. Cool guy you want to spend time with also before and after the rehearsal
2. Understanding for our music, we don´t have to explain what´s punk
3. In our age, no teens or twens
4. The certain, unexplainable something.
Andi S. behind the knobs and buttons |
Hey, we were a punk band, not the fucking Bee Gees! Although it wasn´t always easy-peasy I am still proud of every member´s input and we decided everything together, we made it happen! Funny example for certain quarrels in the camp was the necessary evil, the horrid process of finding a band name everybody could live with. We met several times when we were still a trio to discuss the matter and come up with ideas. The scenario was always the same, we would just pass around our roles in the play. One would burst out "I have the best band name e-v-e-r!" and tell it to the others, one would say "Well, doesn´t really knock my socks off, but I could cope with it." Then the critical last third in the band would always go like: "Over my cold, dead body!" Time passed on, in the meantime we had a bass player and the first show to play but still there was no name in sight, goddamnit! We had to come up with something before opening the 10th anniversary show of swamp-a-billy trashpunks Hack Mack Jackson which was about to take place in Düsseldorf´s highly prolific AK 47 club, the address for live punk in town!
Then, all of a sudden, it was there: BOMBODROM. Only one week before we took the name I had heard it for the first time due to a marginal note on the news. Turned out there was a military base in East Germany trying for 17 (seventeen!) years to turn their terrain into a test center for bombs. Bombs from the sky, bombs from the ground, bombs from the left and right (no pun intended), bombs everywhere 24/7. The people living in that area of Brandenburg were very pleased! The region is quite dependent on tourism, bombs and tourists don´t mix! They gave the army a hard time and won the battle against the so-called Bombodrom after almost two decades! We figured the moniker is somehow punk as it transports the positive idea of fighting against whoever tries to piss in your punchbowl. It sounded tough and silly at the same time - Perfect! Now we could hit the stage with a proper name and coincidence had it that we even got to play at a AntiFa meeting before the actual show with the Jacksons. It was some kind of baptism by fire before what we all concider our first real gig. Both shows went great and the crowd really liked us so much they didn´t mind our (and especially my) constant babbling between the songs, we had to play for time a bit since the set list was rather short back then.
Next project was the recording of our songs which was an easy task. Bombodrom shared the rehearsal space with Sonic Dolls and Oiro, who had attached a little recording control room to the place. So with the help of our very own recording engineer Andi S. we were able to comfortably take care of business for free! The mixing took a while cause some of us where busy in their jobs. Well, what can you do? Punk doesn´t pay the rent, punk doesn´t put bread on the table. Something´s gotta give and time (or the lack of it) was slowly becoming an issue. Two more gigs followed before the year was over. The first was again in AK 47. We opened the whole shebang, next up were Oiro who played a farewell gig for their parting bass player. Then came the initiators of the evening who took the stage by storm one last time: Karateclub with our Andi A. on vocal duties had announced to call it quits and they gave everybody in AK 47 reason to miss them a lot! Both Karateclub and Oiro were great, unfortunately we had not been in the best shape that night. But we had already the next gig coming two weeks later, this time supporting Düsseldorf´s recently regrouped NDW legends Nichts in a cool punkrock joint in Köln called Sonic Ballroom. That night we felt we had something to prove and played a very energetic show, much to the delight of both us and the crowd.
When things started to look promising and people began to take notice of us we actually should have taken action and play live as much as possible. The busy schedule outside of the band however just didn´t allow anything like that, which was sometimes frustrating yet very understandable. I mentioned it before and I say it again: this, our beloved type of music, which is universes away from billboard charts and Emmy Awards, will never pay our bills. It´s a matter close to our hearts but here comes the bitter pill that I swallowed already years ago: Either you sell out and play soulless bullshit or your music has to come second to a dayjob with which you can make a living. People like us will always choose the last option so we have to live with the obvious consequences. But I digress and don´t want to forget that it was me who dropped the biggest bomb on Bombodrom. When I told the guys in spring 2010 that I will emigrate to Finland in July our fate was sealed. But it spawned some very cool things, too!
We immediately decided to have a big farewell party and release the six songs of our recording session by ourselves. On vinyl, of course! There was also a real cool gig offer from Endless Grind, an anual oldschool skateboard contest held in Bremen. It´s also linked to our jacks of all trades Andi A. and Fränkie since they were part of the crew that founded the whole thing.
Our 7" is D.I.Y. as fuck, limited as hell (100 copies) and I´m damn proud of it! What we could do on our own we did and only close comrades and likewise minds helped us where it was needed. So a big thanks again to Arno from CHUD, Ralf / Graphica, Günter at Slowboy, Flight 13 Duplication and of course Dirk for the pics. We designed the whole thing, we cutted, folded and glued every single sleeve and cover, we printed the stickers that came with each copy, we stamped the labels, we...well, you get the point. All happened in a terrible hurry and around 30 degrees every day since summer had arrived to D´dorf. But we had the final package ready in time to sell it at our farewell show for a ridiculous price.
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Cut-out & gatefold cover, band pic inside, sleeve w/ lyrics and print, sticker incl. |
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...and green vinyl! |

Only one week after the Fortuna Eck show we went to Bremen for Endless Grind and our absolutely last show. I had stayed at Andi A.´s already for a couple of days (thanks again, man!) because all my belongings were on their way to Finland, my flat belonged to someone else by now. A very strange feeling! We managed to concentrate rather on the fun than on the melancholy that the knowledge of impending doom brought with it. Everything worked out like planned, after the big party with friends, comrades and family in D´dorf it was great to celebrate us, our friendship and our band in a setting that made it very personal and a band matter only. Nothing to organize and just us to enjoy the final moments. The setting couldn´t have been cooler, skaters everywhere competing in various categories and we played directly at the pool while the contest was on! Later that evening we went into town to party. Again this was so much fun and a really worthy ending to the Bombodrom chapter. Next day we went back to Düsseldorf and a few days later I was on the plane to Finland.
Our very last setlist. |
That´s the story of Bombodrom in a nutshell and I treasure the memories. I hear that both Andis and Fränkie will maybe continue to make music together and I think that would be cool, keep me posted, guys! I have bonded with a great drummer over here and got something in the works but it´s still too early to be more precise about it. Let´s see what 2011 has in stock for all of us! I hear it knocking already...
Bombodrom was: Andi S. (bass/bvox), JottEff (git/vox), Andi A. (git/vox), Fränkie Disco (drums) |
Make sure to check out:
bombodrom.com (all songs of 1st session)
sonicdolls.de (Fränkie´s other band)
Hack Mack Jackson (Comrades & countrypunks)
endlessgrind.eu (video of Endless Grind 2010)
Oiro (rehearsal room buddies)
AK 47 (punk club Düsseldorf)
Sonic Ballroom (punk club Köln)
CHUD (Cool clothes)
slowboy.de (art & vinyl)
Grafica (pimp up your shop)
...if I forgot someone and you want the link, let me know...