Thursday, December 23, 2010

Message from the Underworld

Hey boys and girls, sorry for the long time of silence here on this blog. Some of you expressed their worries I might have died a sudden death caused by a lethal overdose of gingerbread and vodka or simply complained about the shortage of new material. There is only one reason for my writing hiatus and it is pretty simple: I just didn´t have the time to sit down and type it away. The annual christmas hassle took its toll and some personal obligations had to be taken care of. I was in Pori for a couple of days last week, went back to Helsinki only to get ill and returned to Pori now again, fit enough to spend Xmas. Most of what went on during this time has no place on this blog but worry not, dear friends, as I have quite a lot of stuff on my mind that will find its way here in the near future. You will have to stay tuned for that. I know your patience is already strained beyond limits waiting for Santa Clause / Joulupukki / den Weihnachtsmann but isn´t Vorfreude die schönste Freude? Good things come to those who wait and I promise that it won´t be long!


The Weirdos - Message from the Underworld

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