Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fish is in the air...

The traditional Baltic Herring Fair on Helsingin kauppatori
Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz...
Try to say that three times in a row after some shots of Koskenkorva! Best place to practice tongue twisters and eat delicious fish this week is the annual herring market on kauppatori (=market place). Located beautifully in the harbor area of Helsinki it still continues until the 10th of October. Fishermen from many places gather there every autumn to sell their fresh prey and all kinds of sea food from the baltic sea. If you´re not into fishy transactions you can just grab a coffee and buy some nice and useless things. I myself decided to just stroll over the market and enjoy the commotion for a while. Places like this always remind me of good old Hamburg...I will leave you for today with some impressions of the scenery, gotta recharge my batteries for tonight´s gig at Lepakkomies featuring Lovecoat, Velvert and Bananas. Yeah!
Miika counts his fish while his colleague hides his bottle of Jack Daniel´s.

Sold straight from the boat. Cool.

Standing in that orange light whole day would drive me mad.


Ardo said...

Did you do all these pictures with your mobilephone? And who`s Miika, friend of yours, or did you interview him? :D

JottEff said...

Yep, this time my mobile had to suffice.
I didn´t make Miika´s acquaintance but his name was on the sign. Then I figured he must be the one still focusing on business rather than the bottle and gave him the benefit of doubt.