Monday, January 30, 2012

This ship has sailed

Father and son. The picture puts our relationship in a nutshell.
Somehow hard to believe it´s already three years ago that my father died. The bare fact that he ain´t no more seems to be frozen in time, so come the end of January it always feels unreal that time has actually moved on another year.

We didn´t see each other often and when we did it was mostly bittersweet. Inbetween visits and activities a lot of waiting, subconsciously to a large extent, waiting for something to happen, waiting for something to change, waiting for him to change.

Today he´s dead for three goddamn years and often it feels like I´m still waiting.
I just have no idea what for.

(First ever re-post in this blog´s history. The words still stand!)

Bombodrom - Gone for the last time


Onkel Hellsofski said...

.... cocktopus records war kurz vor dem sprung zum major!

JottEff said... about bad timing...