Monday, October 31, 2011

Candy apples & razor blades

Little dead are soon in graves... it´s Halloween again at LIFE IN HEL!

Today I´m half the man I used to be.
Guess I pretty much summed up my thoughts and attitude towards it already in last year´s post. Things haven´t changed all that much since then. This time around though, partly caused by the Night Visions Festival, my excitement has grown compared to the last couple of years. That old scar seems to be itching again!

TWID on Friday was great and if you are into H.P. Lovecraft but haven´t seen the movie yet, you gotta change that asap! I am not going to give away the ending, suffice it to say it differs completely from the original story.
Third act, anyone? Usually I´m quite a purist when it comes to screen adaptions of my favourite books. It´s different with this one: although Lovecraft´s short story works perfectly in its actual medium, the alterations done by the HPLHS step it up a notch in order to make the tale more suitable for being a feature movie. In my opinion the film makers enhanced the original material without doing it any harm. Rather on the contrary, you can watch a story now that you already know without knowing how it ends -  and the end is pretty cool!
After the movie (dead silence in a sold out cinema room - the way it should be!) viewers were given the chance to have a nice Q & A with director / producer / actor Sean Branney, an overall friendly and sympathic guy who answered the many questions patiently.

Only thing I regret is that I didn´t get to see more than just one movie, the festival program was really spiced with many whacky ones, that´s for sure. I´m also sure that when Night Visions returns next spring, I will be ready for a movie marathon!

Tonight is going to be zombie night at LIFE IN HEL (severed) headquarters.
What´s it gonna be? Gates of Hell? Dawn of the Dead? La Regina dei Cannibali?
Haven´t decided yet, but for now:

Happy Halloween!


Bloodjunkies - All Hallow´s Eve


Onkel Bumskin said...

JottEff said...

Ars vivendi.

Elena said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by! Yes, Finnish is hard, but I'm actually surprised at how quickly I'm catching on -- which is to say I had heard so many horror stories about how hard it was that it's actually a tad easier than I expected! At the rate I'm going, 5 - 7 years for fluency sounds about right. Good luck to you, too, though I bet you're farther along than I am!

As an American, I totally dig Halloween. The way I celebrate it, though, usually takes the form of watching about 6 horror flicks back to back and stuffing my face with sweets. And that's precisely what I did. :)

JottEff said...

Sounds like you got the right attitude to learn Finnish - pikkuhiljaa is the only way to do it!

What horror movies did you watch on Halloween?

I had City Of The Living Dead / Gates of Hell in the player.